Hello there

Hello there

My name is Johnathan Randall and this is my website.

I use this place to store a whole manner of things I have researched, written about, thought about or dumped. It is quite handy having a website to be able to do all of those things.

I called my website "Two Chevrons Apart" because that name made me laugh, and back when this was a blog, giving it a silly name seemed to make sense. I continue to write that message across the top of each page even if blogs aren't really a thing any more.

As my work has no real theme or pattern, and as the internet keeps moving on faster than I can keep up with, I no longer have a "home page" that you can browse. What I have instead is this message, and lots of individual projects that I haven't linked to here.

If you need more information from me - whether it's about radio shows I've produced, serious pieces I've researched, or something rather ridiculous that I've done, you can of course contact me. Until then, and unless I launch a new career that needs me to put all my work online, this will be the end of my homepage.

There are billions of websites on the internet. Thank you for clicking on my one.

© 2025 Johnathan Randall

Johnathan Randall
Legally bland

Any similarities with real-life events or wealthy international firms is probably coincidental. No products endorsed. I'm powered by Monster Munch.

© 2025 Johnathan Randall.